Source codeΒΆ

Usage of yarn

Install node modules for NEST Desktop source code:

yarn install

Check if any node package are outdated:

yarn outdated

Upgrade outdated packages:

yarn upgrade

Serve Angular Live Development Server serving at http://localhost:4200

yarn start

Usage of npm

Install node modules for NEST Desktop source code:

npm install

Check if any node package is outdated:

npm out

Update node package:

npm up

Serve Angular Live Development Server serving at http://localhost:4200

npm start


Install NEST Desktop from source code using pip (where it finds Best method is to install it in user home using pip install --user.

python3 -m pip install --user --no-deps -e .

Getting started

You can read Getting started in User Documentation to start NEST Desktop. Starting NEST Desktop nest-desktop start equivalent to the command:

python3 -m