
This version of the documentation is NOT an official release. You are reading the documentation version which is in active and ongoing development.

Deploy on OpenShift

This part of the documentation shows how to deploy NEST Desktop on OpenShift resources. In the following, we will use the deployment process of NEST Desktop on the OpenShift resources of EBRAINS as an example of practice.


Deploy NEST Desktop on EBRAINS

EBRAINS provides two OKD infrastructures:



We strongly recommend to use the development page for testing.

Register client for authentication on EBRAINS

To access to NEST Desktop on EBRAINS infrastructure, an authentication is requested. You find the codes on https://github.com/nest-desktop/apache2-oidc.

Here are the steps how to setup the authentication for NEST Desktop properly.

bash get-dev-token.sh

Change the configuration file and then create a client for your application.

bash create-client.sh

Keep client_id and client_secret for the okd infrastructure.

Build NEST Desktop on EBRAINS

First, copy the command line from the web console of https://okd-dev.hbp.eu and enter in terminal to login via oc:

oc login https://okd-dev.hbp.eu:443 --token=<TOKEN>

Get the status of the current project:

oc status

You can find the configurations on https://github.com/nest-desktop/nest-desktop-ebrains. Therein, you have to modify the environment for EBRAINS authentication, i.e. OIDC_CLIENT_ID and OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET of NEST Desktop (which is printed after setting up the client for NEST Desktop).

Execute the bash script to deploy the nest-desktop, nest-server and apache2-oidc containers:

bash setup-nest-desktop.sh

Further usage

Scaling up the replicas (pods or nodes):

oc scale --replicas=2 dc nest-desktop


Thanks for the help to integrate NEST Desktop on EBRAINS resources:

  • Alberto Madonna (Conceptual design of the user authentication)

  • Collin McMurtrie (Conceptual design of the user authentication)

  • Fabrice Gaillard (Conceptual design of the user authentication)

  • Jonathan Villemaire-Krajden (Conceptual design of the user authentication)

  • Martin Jochen Eppler (For the contacts)