
This version of the documentation is NOT an official release. You are reading the documentation version which is in active and ongoing development.

Build and publish

Currently, we build NEST Desktop for multiple targets and publish them on various platforms.


Please be aware that a lot of steps are already covered by our GitLab CI process. Therefore, we recommend to inspect the .gitlab-ci.yml file together with this chapter. It might also be helpful to have a look at the commands defined in package.json.



Building and pushing NEST Desktop on PyPI is a required step for the production. After that, Docker Hub can upgrade NEST Desktop in the provided Docker image.

  • setuptools, wheel, twine

The Python Package Index nest-desktop includes an executive command nest-desktop and a Python library nest_desktop.


The current working directory is nest-desktop.

The building phase contains two steps: First, build a package of NEST Desktop using vue-cli-service.

Initially, you have to upgrade the version of nest-desktop in:

  • packages.json

  • nest_desktop/__init__.py

Then generate the app package using yarn. It builds the folder nest_desktop/app:

yarn build

The second step is to build a pip package for PyPI:

rm -rf build/ dist/ nest_desktop.egg-info/

Then generate the distribution packages of nest-desktop for PyPI:

python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel


Finally, the package is ready for the the publication. You can upload the pip-package of nest-desktop to PyPI:

python3 -m twine upload dist/*

Do not forget to commit the changes you made and set a new version tag in git.

git tag -a v3.0 -m 'v3.0.0'
git push --tags



We have a conda-smithy repository for nest-desktop. When a new Python package is released, we can change the version in meta.yaml ( the meta content online):

{% set version = "3.x.y" %}


It is also important to change the sha256 checksum of the source of tar.gz file.

Then make a pull request on the base branch of this repository.

Electron (.deb package)

In package.json, there are also yarn commands configured to build an Electron app.

yarn electron:build

Then install the .deb file on your Linux system.

See also

If you want to build other Electron packages, please have a look into electron-builder.yml file.

Snap (.snap package)

By default snapcraft runs with 2G memory, which is not enough for building electron. To use snapcraft with larger memory:


Then install the snap file locally:

sudo snapcraft install <snap-file> --dangerous

Finally, upload the snap file:

snapcraft upload <snap-file>

See also

For Snap packages, you can find more information in the Snap repository for nest-desktop.