- 30 Nov:
Workshop at the University of Padua, organised by Francesco De Santis, Padua, Italy.
- 05 - 21 Nov:
Workshop, organised by Alberto Antonietti, Milan, Italy.
- 30 Sep - 02 Oct:
Poster and Booth at Bernstein Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.
- 23 - 26 Jul:
Talk at Summer Colloquium, Trier, Germany.
- 17 - 18 Jun:
Talk at NEST Conference, online.
- 12 - 23 Feb:
BSc course “Simple Neuron Models” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 08 Jan - 02 Feb:
Tutorial at LASCON, presented by Hans Ekkehard Plesser, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 09 - 16 Nov:
NEST Desktop course at IKV, organised by Karolina Korvasova, Prague, Czechia.
- 04 Oct:
Teacher training at BCF, Freiburg, Germany.
- 26 - 29 Sep:
Poster “Complex workflows with NEST Desktop” at Bernstein Conference 2023, Berlin, Germany.
- 11 - 13 Sep:
Workshop and talk at HBP Concluding Event, Jülich, Germany.
- 15 Jul:
Part of the tutorial “From single-cell modeling to large-scale network dynamics with NEST Simulator” at CNS 23, Leipzig, Germany.
- 05 - 07 Jul:
Talk at HCI Summer Colloquium, Trier, Germany.
- 08 May:
Crash course for student course “Models of Neurons and Networks”, BCF, Freiburg, Germany.
- 27 - 31 Mar:
Workshop at HBP Summit 2023, Marseille, France.
- 20 - 24 Feb:
NEST Desktop tutorial at IKV, organised by Karolina Korvasova, Prague, Czechia.
- 13 - 24 Feb:
BSc course “Simple Neuron Models” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 18 Jan:
Part of the talk at CENIA, presented by Markus Diesmann, Santiago, Chile.
- 18 - 20 Jan:
Poster at 7th HBP Student Conference, presented by Jens Bruchertseifer, Madrid, Spain.
- 07 - 10 Nov:
Session talk “NEST Desktop” at Simulate with EBRAINS, online.
- 13 - 16 Sep:
Poster “NEST Desktop: Explore new frontiers” at Bernstein Conference 2022, Berlin, Germany.
- 20 - 21 Jul:
Talk “NEST Desktop” at HCI Summer Colloquium, Trier, Germany.
- 16 Jul:
NEST Desktop is part of the onsite tutorial “T1: From single-cell modeling to large-scale network dynamics with NEST Simulator.” of CNS 2022, organised by Jasper Albers, Pooja Babu and Charl Linssen, Melbourne, Australia.
- 03 - 09 Jul:
Part of the workshop “NEST Workshop: network and plasticity” at 9th BNNI, presented by Jasper Albers, Krakau, Poland.
- 31 Jun:
Satellite tutorial at CNS, online.
- 23 - 24 Jun:
Workshop “NEST Desktop: A “Let’s Play Together” for neuroscience” and Poster “NEST Desktop: Explore new frontiers” at NEST Conference, online.
- 13 - 15 Jun:
Workshop at EBRAINS BASSES, presented by Johanna Senk, Rome, Italy.
- 26 - 28 Apr:
MSc course “Biophysics of Neurons and Networks” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 07 - 18 Feb:
BSc course “Simple Neuron Models” at BCF [1], online, (Freiburg, Germany).
- 27 Jan:
Exercise of the Introduction to Computational Neuroscience lecture, organised By Simon Essink, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- 16 Dec:
Talk “NEST Desktop” at HCI Winter Colloquium, online, (Trier, Germany).
- 11 Nov:
Published paper “NEST Desktop, an Educational Application for Neuroscience” on eNeuro.
- 14 - 15 Oct:
Break-out session and poster “NEST Desktop” at HBP Summit 2021, online (Brussels, Belgium).
- 22 Sep:
Talk “Simulation of networks with point neurons (NEST)” at 8th BNNI 2021, online.
- 21 - 23 Sep:
Poster “NEST Desktop” at Bernstein Conference 2021, online.
- 03 Sep:
Hand-on Session “NEST Desktop” at EBRAINS & IBRO 2nd Virtual Master Class, online.
- 29 Jul:
Hand-on Session “NEST Desktop” at EBRAINS & IBRO 1st Virtual Master Class, online.
- 13 Jul:
Talk “NEST Desktop” at PhD Seminar, online.
- 06 Jul:
Talk “NEST Desktop” at NFDI-Neuro Webinar, online.
- 03 Jul:
Tutorial “Interactive design and analysis of point neuron spiking networks with synaptic plasticity using NEST Simulator” , presented by Dr. Linssen, at CNS 2021, online.
- 28 - 29 Jun:
Talk “NEST Desktop” at NEST Conference, online (As, Norway).
- 16 Jun:
Preprint on bioRxiv.
- 03 - 07 May:
MSc course “Biophysics of Neurons and Networks” at BCF [1], online (Freiburg, Germany).
- 08 - 09 Apr:
“NEST Desktop insitufication” on In-Situ Hackathon, online (HCI).
- 08 - 19 Feb:
BSc course “Simple Neuron Models” at BCF [1], online, (Freiburg, Germany).
- 30 Sep - 01 Oct:
Hand-on Session and Poster at Bernstein Conference 2020, online (Berlin, Germany).
- 18 - 22 Jul:
Tutorial with NESTML, presented by Dr. Linssen, at CNS 2020, online (Melbourne, Australia).
- 29 - 30 Jun:
Talk “NEST Desktop” at NEST Conference, online (As, Norway).
- 02 - 17 Jun:
MSc course “Biophysics of Neurons and Networks” at BCF [1], online (Freiburg, Germany).
- 16 Apr:
Presentation and demo at NeuroMat, online (Sao Paulo, Brazil).
- 03 - 06 Feb:
Talk and Demo/Hand-on session at HBP Summit and Open Days , Athene, Greece.
- 28 Nov:
2nd HPAC Platform Training, Heidelberg, Germany.
- 20 Oct:
Live demo, presented by Prof. Plesser, at HBP Booth at SfN, Chicago, USA.
- 18 - 20 Sep:
Poster/Live presentation at Bernstein Conference, Berlin, Germany.
- 22 Jul:
Talk and Tutorial/Hand-on session at INM-6 [3], Julich, Germany.
- 18 Jul:
NESTML/NEST-desktop integration workshop, BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 24 - 25 Jun:
Talk and Tutorial/Hand-on session “NEST Desktop” at NEST Conference at NMBU [4], As, Norway.
- 16 Apr:
Kick-Off workshop at HCI [2], Trier, Germany.
- 25 - 31 Mar:
Tutorial workshop for IICCSSS at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 11 - 22 Feb:
BSc course “Simple Neuron Models” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 26 - 27 Sep:
Poster/Live presentation NEST Desktop at Bernstein Conference, Berlin, Germany.
- 27 - 28 Aug:
Technical meeting at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 25 - 26 Jun:
Talk “NEST Web API” at NEST Conference at NMBU [4], As, Norway.
- 23 - 27 Apr:
MSc course “Biophysics of Neurons and Networks” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 12 - 23 Feb:
BSc course “Simple Neuron Models” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 19 - 20 Dec:
Talk “NEST Desktop” at NEST Conference, Jülich, Germany.
- 20 - 22 Nov:
Live presentation with Ad Aertsen at Neural networks mini school, Strasbourg, France.
- 02 - 05 May:
MSc course “Biophysics of Neurons and Networks” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
- 24 Jan:
Talk (Informal Seminar) “NEST Desktop” at BCF [1], Freiburg, Germany.
The development start of NEST Desktop.