Deploy on OpenStack


The guide provides a step-by-step documentation on how to deploy NEST Desktop on OpenStack resources. For more information on OpenStack, please follow this link:

As an example of an OpenStack infrastructure, we show the deployment on bwCloud, which is assigned to the universities in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. For more information bwCloud, follow the link:

Deployers can build an OpenStack image via Packer and Ansible.


Deploy NEST Desktop on bwCloud


You can find the source code on

  1. Download the OpenStack RC File from bwCloud dashboard:

    Project -> API Access -> Download OpenStack RC File

  2. Source the RC file to login:

    source Project_<userID>
  3. Modify the Ansible configurations in infrastructure/bwCloud/nest-desktop.json.

    Set image_name. Values for source_image and networks are taken from bwCloud dashboard.

  4. Build an image on bwCloud:

    packer build nest-desktop.json
  5. Start an instance on the bwCloud dashboard and it will have a public IP of the virtual machine.


Thanks for the help to integrate NEST Desktop on bwCloud:

  • Bernd Wiebelt
  • Jonathan Bauer
  • Michael Janczyk
  • Manuel Messner
  • Christopher Ill