Build and publish package


Building and pushing NEST Desktop on PyPI is a required step for the production. After that, Docker Hub can upgrade NEST Desktop in the provided Docker image.

  • setuptools, wheel, twine

The Python Package Index nest-desktop includes an executive command nest-desktop and a Python library nest_desktop.


The current working directory is nest-desktop.

The building phase contains two steps: First, build a package of NEST Desktop using vue-cli-service.

Initially, you have to upgrade the version of nest-desktop in:

  • packages.json
  • nest_desktop/

Then generate the app package using yarn. It builds the folder nest_desktop/app:

yarn build

The second step is to build a pip package for PyPI:

rm -rf build/ dist/ nest_desktop.egg-info/

Then generate the distribution packages of nest-desktop for PyPI:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel


Finally, the package is ready for the the publication. You can upload the pip-package of nest-desktop to PyPI:

python3 -m twine upload dist/*

Do not forget to commit the changes you made and set a new version tag in git.

git tag -a v3.0 -m 'v3.0.0'
git push --tags