
This version of the documentation is NOT an official release. You are reading the documentation version which is in active and ongoing development.


How can I create a new project?

There are two ways: You find a button in the project toolbar and an item + New Project in the projects menu.

How can I duplicate a project?

In the project menu you will find a button to clone a project.

How can I rename the current project?

You find a method to rename the current project in the project menu or you can edit the name in the project bar directly.

How can I save projects?

You find a save icon appended in each loaded project item.

How can I delete projects?

You find a button in the project toolbar or a menu item in the project menu to delete multiple projects.

How can I export projects?

You find a button in the project toolbar or a menu item in the project menu to export projects to a file.

How can I import projects?

You find a button in the project toolbar or a menu item in the project menu to import multiple projects from various sources.