
This version of the documentation is NOT an official release. You are reading the documentation version which is in active and ongoing development.


Apptainer, former Singularity, is an application container for Linux systems. For more information read the full documentation of Apptainer here.


Get recipes

  1. Clone a working copy from the repository and go to the folder:

git clone https://github.com/nest-desktop/nest-desktop-apptainer
cd nest-desktop-apptainer
  1. Register the bash command for NEST Desktop Apptainer:

export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin/


You will have to repeat this every time you end a terminal session.If you like to register this command permanently, please proceed according to the full documentation.

Build image

  1. Build the Apptainer images (it will ask for sudo password):

nest-desktop-apptainer build


This command (and the following ones) need to be executed inside the folder where the container files are located, i.e. the nest-desktop-apptainer folder.

Start container

  1. Start the Apptainer instances of NEST Desktop and NEST Simulator:

nest-desktop-apptainer start

Now NEST Desktop is started. You can use NEST Desktop in the web browser at http://localhost:54286.

The installation is now complete! Now we can start constructing networks for the simulation!

For more information read the full documentation of NEST Desktop Apptainer.


If the apptainer (esp. NEST Simulator) is running, your system is exposed for unauthorized access!